For General Inquiries: Please send us a comment or question.
IMPORTANT- We do not monitor these messages for Outage Reports. If you have an outage to report, please call 406-883-7940 during business hours or 406-883-7972 if it’s after business hours.
"*" indicates required fields
Employment Inquiries:
Please visit: CSKT Personnel Website
Need a Locate?
Mission Valley Power does not perform locates. You must contact to schedule a locate for electric & other utilities before you dig. It’s the Law.
Physical Address
36079 Pablo West Road Pablo, MT 59855
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 97 Pablo, MT 59855
Contact us by phone:
p. 406-883-7900
p. 406-675-7900
Engineering: p. 406-883-7970
After Hours Emergency: 406-883-7972
Pay by Phone: 1-855-957-3797
Lobby Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 5.00 pm
Drive Thru Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 5.30 pm
24-Hr Kiosk Payment Locations:
Pablo MVP Office
Arlee Valley Bank Lobby
Ronan Valley Bank Lobby
Hot Springs Valley Bank Lobby

Mission Valley Power is a federally owned electrical utility, operated and maintained by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Indian Reservation