Lobby Hours

Monday – Thursday

7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Drive Thru Hours

Monday – Thursday

7:00 am – 5:30 pm

Payroll Deduction Agreement Form

Fill out the form below online or click here to download the form

** If you choose to download the form, please fill out, scan and send to csrs@missionvalleypower.org

Must be full time employee that receives a check for 24 pay periods
To Payroll department of:(Required)
I hereby authorize and direct you to deduct:
(Amount figured by MVP Customer Service), from my paycheck every pay period (24 pp per year)
Starting date:
I understand that payment is deducted every pay period regardless of credit balance. If a payment is missed, MVP will cancel this agreement and remove from payroll deduct.
I authorize MVP to adjust my account annually or modify if a rate change is approved during the billing period, or if through a routine review the said amount is not sufficiently covering the monthly bill.
I understand that I must notify MVP if I want to cancel this agreement. (Required)
Clear Signature