Tuesday, March 4 from 4 to 7 p.m. / Polson High School
Please join us for a second open house event to learn more about the
Community Safety Action Plan (SAP) project and the recommendations to
improve roadway safety throughout the Flathead Reservation.
We gathered community feedback and identified areas of concern at our
first open house in November 2024. We are currently seeking public input
regarding the safety recommendations identified by the team. The public is
invited to come learn about the project, ask questions, and provide feedback.
Attendees are welcome to stop by any time during the event, as no formal
presentation will be given. The event will be family-friendly with an activity
for children. All are welcome to attend.
Tuesday, March 4 from 4 to 7 p.m.
Polson High School
1712 2nd St. West
Polson, MT 59860
The recommended policies and strategies proposed will guide CSKT and its partner agencies in refining the existing processes or implementing new processes to eliminate fatal and serious crashes. The recommendations are designed to address the safety-related goals and challenges identified through safety analysis findings, input from key stakeholders, and planning efforts.
The plan will lead to long-term improvements in road safety, helping to reduce crashes and enhance the quality of life. Community feedback is an important factor in helping to address local safety concerns and helps make communities eligible for Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant funding to support safety improvements.
A Community SAP is essential for identifying safety concerns, and reducing traffic injuries and fatalities by identifying and addressing high-risk areas through data-driven strategies. The plan provides a comprehensive approach to road safety by integrating engineering improvements, along with enforcement and education actions.
CSKT has completed the Safety Assessment and is in the Action Plan Development Phase of the SAP and will collaborate with the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), local governments, community organizations, emergency services, and schools to create a comprehensive and effective plan. Community engagement and input are essential in developing the right plan.
This project specifically focuses on developing a Safety Action Plan that will prioritize future construction projects and support future grant funding requests.
The SS4A program is a federal initiative established to enhance road safety and reduce traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries across the United States. It is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s broader efforts to improve road safety through targeted funding and strategic planning.
Community members who are unable to attend the open house, but would like to provide feedback, are encouraged to add their comments and feedback digitally on the project website: https://www.csktsafetyactionplan.com.
For more information, please contact Scott Johnston at 406.676.2600 or scott.johnston@cskt.org or Mirtha Becerra at 406.721.4320 or mirtha.becerra@djanda.com.